Shipping terms

Vertigo Performance ships all packages within 2 business days of order being placed.

US and International orders

-   Vertigo Performance ships all packages via Canada Post Small Packet Air unless otherwise specified while placing your order.
-  Canada Post states 2 weeks delivery international, typically packages arrive within 6 business days.
-  Any claims made for non delivery may not be done until after 45 days (a time frame set forth by Canada Post)
-  Shipments made within the month of December can be delayed by up to 2 weeks due to Postal holidays, Customs holidays and the high number of parcels being shipped through the postal system worldwide.
-  Vertigo Performance is not responsible for delays in the postal system or while packages sit waiting to clear customs.


-  We recommend shipping Express post within Canada, secured tracking system and 2 days to most places within Canada.
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